Corporate Sponsorship

When you want to make a bold statement…

…associating yourself with a leading arts organization makes business sense. Why? Because a business conversation often starts over shared interests. By sponsoring the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra you associate your business with the cream-of-the-crop of performing artists and show a dedicated audience you care about these arts. They will appreciate your effort in making this possible and will be very likely to choose your business next time they are looking for the services you offer.

Sponsorship Levels


Sponsor $10,000


  • Unlimited ticket requests
  • Logo on sponsorship page
  • Link to business website
  • Full page ad in program booklets
  • Listed as Season Sponsor in all marketing materials
  • Logo included in print & digital marketing materials
  • Logo and acknowledgement on bulk emails
  • Listed as corporate sponsor of Growing Up Baroque! Programming
  • An invitation for 2 to attend a private event with the Artistic Director and Concertmaster
  • 45-minute private concert by 4 IBO musicians


Sponsor $5,000


  • 2 Season Tickets and 12 additional single-concert tickets
  • Logo on sponsorship page
  • Link to business website
  • 1/2 page ad in program booklets
  • Mention from the stage before each performance
  • Logo included in print & digital marketing materials
  • Invitation to Donor Appreciation events


Sponsor $2,500


  • 2 Season Tickets and 4 single-concert tickets
  • Logo on sponsorship page
  • Link to business website
  • 1/2 page ad in program booklets
  • Mention from stage at one performance of donors’ choice
  • Logo included in print & digital marketing materials
  • Invitation to dress rehearsal and meet and greet with musicians


Sponsor $1,000


  • 2 Season Tickets
  • Logo on sponsorship page
  • Link to business website
  • Logo included in print & digital marketing materials
  • 1/4 page ad in program book


Sponsor $500


  • 2 Season Tickets
  • Logo on sponsorship page
  • Link to business website

You can show our audience you care about the arts by adding your logo on our posters, placing an ad in our program booklet, and having your name listed on all of our digital and printed materials.

Additionally, we can give you the tools to show the world you support our organization and the arts in Indianapolis. A great message to tell your current customers and a great way for us to associate with businesses we like and trust.

Interested? Reach out to us using the Contact Form, and we will get back to you soon!

IndyBaroque Music, Inc. • PO Box 47985 • Indianapolis, IN 46247