IBO Musicians

KEITH COLLINS is a specialist in early woodwinds and performance practice. He holds the first doctorate in historical bassoon, which he earned at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music’s Historical Performance Institute. Keith has performed or recorded with many of North America’s leading period instrument ensembles including Tafelmusik, Washington Bach Consort, Bach Collegium, Apollo’s Fire, and Boston Baroque. In addition to his bassoons, Keith owns one of the very few baroque contrabassoons in the Americas. It is 9 ft. tall. As a member of the Renaissance wind band Forgotten Clefs, he plays shawm, dulcian, recorder, and harp. He is a founding member of Heartland Baroque, a chamber ensemble specializing in the repertory of the 17th and 18th centuries; their first recording was released in 2022, and their 2025 tour will feature Keith’s skill on the wire-strung harp for a program centered on the life of Irish harper Turlough O’Carolan. On the harping front, he curated Indianapolis Baroque’s 2024 outreach program for youth. The program occurred St Patrick’s Day weekend and featured a story and accompanying music from 17th and 18th century Ireland. Keith is adjunct lecturer at his alma mater IU where he teaches historical bassoon, classical performance practice, and coaches chamber ensembles. He resides in Nashville, Indiana.