IBO Musicians

YAËL SENAMAUD-COHEN is recognized for her versatility in a wide variety of musical styles. She is a core-member of Apollo’s Fire, Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra, CityMusic Cleveland (Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Music Series with the Pantheon Ensemble) and regularly plays with ProMusica Chamber Orchestra (Columbus, OH).

Yaël has served as Principal viola with the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Symphony Orchestra and BlueWater Chamber Orchestra. She has performed with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Les Délices, Catacoustic Consort, HarmoNati (Cincinnati), Bourbon Baroque (Louisville) and BWV baroque series (Albuquerque) among others.

While living in her native France, Yaël was a tenured member of the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris and the Palau De Les Artes Reina Sofia Opera in Valencia, Spain. A sought-after and accredited pedagogue, she was tenured Professor in the Paris Conservatory system. Yaël collaborated with the Orchestra de Paris, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France and the Opera National de Paris. She is an avid chamber musician and was a founding member of Quartet Alizés and Trio Interlude (flute, viola, and harp).

Her abiding interest in diverse styles led Yaël to perform contemporary music with the Ensemble Intercontemporain directed by Pierre Boulez and to foster her Historical Performance Practice on baroque violin with Patrick Bismuth. Throughout the past two decades, she performs on the baroque violin, as well as the viola, and viola d’amore.

She is a graduate of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris and Peabody Institute, where her teachers included Bruno Pasquier and Paul Coletti.