Planned Giving

Planned Giving
Help ensure Indianapolis Baroque Orchestras’s future through planned giving. Philanthropy is a highly personal endeavor, so we offer many options for making a gift to the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra. Planned gifts enable you to make a significant contribution to the orchestra that may, at the same time, have income and tax benefits for you and your family. Regardless, an estate or planned gift to the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra will impact the organization—and Indianapolis community—for generations to come.
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Gifts of Assets:
Appreciated Securities
Typically transferred to the IBO as an appreciated asset. When you make a gift of appreciated securities or mutual funds that you have held for more than one year, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the securities’ fair market value at the time of the transfer.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
You can maximize your tax savings by donating appreciated stock if you have owned the shares for a year or more.
Qualified Charitable Donation
If you are 70 1⁄2 years or older, you may make a tax-free Qualified Charitable Donation to the IBO by instructing your financial planner to send a gift from your account directly to the IBO.
IRA Charitable Gift
If you have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and are 73 years or older by December 31 of this year, you may avoid paying taxes* on your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA by instructing your financial planner to make a gift to the IBO directly from your IRA.
Bequests (Wills or Trusts)
You can leave a gift to the IBO in your will or estate plan. This distribution will be fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, and there is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. The gift is usually exempt from state inheritance taxes.
Revocable Living Trust
A revocable living trust defines how your assets are to be distributed at the end of your lifetime. You retain control of the assets during your life, and can alter or change the trust at any time. Income earned by the trust’s assets goes to you and is taxable, but the assets themselves do not transfer from the trust to the IBO and other beneficiaries until the end of your lifetime. Once your assets belong to the trust, they do not have to go through the probate process upon your death.
Retirement Plan Assets
Retirement plan assets are a great way to support the IBO; they not only help support our future operations, but also can provide tax relief for your loved ones. Money in your employee retirement plan, IRA, or tax-sheltered annuity has yet to be taxed, which means your beneficiaries will owe federal income tax on any distributions they receive from these accounts.
For more information about making a gift to the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra through your will or trust, or if you have already included the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra in your plans, please fill out our contact form.
IndyBaroque Music, Inc. • (317) 762-8812 • PO Box 47985 • Indianapolis, IN 46247